What My Cat Teaches Me About Trauma
My cat, Jaxx, and I have just moved into our new home. This
is my cat’s second move in his life of 5 years. He does not like change. (I do
not like change either, but I have become more comfortable with it over time because
I have been exposed to so much of it in my life.)
It is Day 2 in the new place, and Jaxx has spent most of his
time under my bed, not eating, not sleeping, in a state of hyper-arousal.
Periodically he works up the courage (every four hours or so) to come out from
under the bed. He comes and rubs up against me and is desperate for physical
touch to reassure him he is safe. He will eat a couple of bites of food, then
walk around and sniff things for a while. Then he will hear a small noise, and
scared will run and hide under the bed again.
These are the lessons my cat is teaching me about responding
to traumatic events:
Trauma is different for everyone. What
overwhelms one person might not phase another. (I have lived in about 30
different houses and I’m only 30 years old, whereas my cat has only moved twice
and is relatively new at this).
When healing from trauma we need to touch-and-go
i.e. do a little bit of healing/work then take refuge and rest and regather our
strength again. If we don’t allow ourselves to come and go from revisiting the
source of the trauma then we will re-traumatise ourselves and make things worse
than before.
Supportive networks and safe physical touch are
important keys to withstanding and rebounding from traumatic events.
We often don’t feel like eating in the face of
trauma so give yourself permission to deviate from your normal eating patterns
for a while. Have small amounts of food periodically, especially before
attempting to deal with crises. You will need your strength. When Elijah was
lying in the desert burnt out God appeared to him and said “Rest and eat”.
Those same words apply to anyone facing trauma.
Day 3 after moving house:
Jaxx suddenly got really confident around 11pm last night
and starting walking around the house like he owned it. He wanted to go
outside, in fact he was howling and moaning, begging me to let him outside. I
was worried as he had never been outside at this new flat before, it was night time,
and we live next to an area of forest and I was worried he would get lost, but
he was insistent so I let him outside. I got up in the middle of the night to
check on him, went outside and called for him and he came back and had a good
snack of cat biscuits.
Further lessons from this:
If you have been through a traumatic event,
trust your own inner sense of timing. Your intuition won’t let you down. Jaxx
knew he was ready to go outside, and in fact if I had left him inside when he
wanted out I would have distressed him. He knew how much he could handle. You
are your own authority on what is best for you.
If you are looking after someone who has been
through a traumatic event, you will find there comes a time when you need to
let go, and surrender to the universe/God. Perhaps you think the person
affected should be getting back into life, resuming work and they are not. You
are worried that it seems like they are not getting better. Or perhaps like me
and Jaxx, the person is ready to try new things but you think it is too soon,
and you are fearful. Either way you need to realise that that fear you are
holding onto, is preventing your love being communicated to the person. You
need to release it into the power of something bigger (universe, God etc) so
both of you can move forward.
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